2025 Garage Sale
2025 Garage Sale is May 8-10 2025
Please pass this onto any of your neighbors, as we don’t have a full Dufferin Park e-mail list.
If you plan to participate and have a sale, please RSVP to [email protected] with:
1. Your name
2. Address
3. Which days you plan to participate in the sale- Th, Fri, and/or Sat (The days you are "open" will be
indicated on the map that we hand out to customers)
4. List the major items or categories of items your sale will have (ex. furniture, boys clothes size 2-6X, Bike, etc) -
These will also be listed on the map - but there is limited space, so be brief.
We will ask for a $5.00 participation fee to cover the advertising costs. You can send the participation fee to me at: 14904 River Oak Court, Savage. Last year we advertised in the Star Tribune, Southwest Newspapers (Savage Pacer, PL American, etc.) and online, Facebook and various garage sale sites. I also suggest that everyone put their sale on Craigslist Multiple sales advertised there will generate a lot of traffic!
Also, let Sandra know if you are willing to help with part of the organizing. It shouldn't be very much time, since we'll use what we did last year. All participants will be asked to put out 3-4 signs, which will be provided. More information to follow.
If you have feedback or comments, please contact Sandra.
Anyone interested in participating on the planning committee can e-mail Sandra or call 612-845-4833. Additional help is always welcome!
Please pass this onto any of your neighbors, as we don’t have a full Dufferin Park e-mail list.
If you plan to participate and have a sale, please RSVP to [email protected] with:
1. Your name
2. Address
3. Which days you plan to participate in the sale- Th, Fri, and/or Sat (The days you are "open" will be
indicated on the map that we hand out to customers)
4. List the major items or categories of items your sale will have (ex. furniture, boys clothes size 2-6X, Bike, etc) -
These will also be listed on the map - but there is limited space, so be brief.
We will ask for a $5.00 participation fee to cover the advertising costs. You can send the participation fee to me at: 14904 River Oak Court, Savage. Last year we advertised in the Star Tribune, Southwest Newspapers (Savage Pacer, PL American, etc.) and online, Facebook and various garage sale sites. I also suggest that everyone put their sale on Craigslist Multiple sales advertised there will generate a lot of traffic!
Also, let Sandra know if you are willing to help with part of the organizing. It shouldn't be very much time, since we'll use what we did last year. All participants will be asked to put out 3-4 signs, which will be provided. More information to follow.
If you have feedback or comments, please contact Sandra.
Anyone interested in participating on the planning committee can e-mail Sandra or call 612-845-4833. Additional help is always welcome!