Dufferin Park Homeowners Association
Latest News & Activities
This Website is the Official portal of HOA communications. (not Facebook)
2025 Garage Sale
*Save the Date*
The 2025 Dufferin Park Neighborhood Garage Sale:
May 8, 9, 10 2025
8 am - 3 pm.
You can choose the days and times to participate!
More details to come or if you have questions, please email Sandra Warfield at [email protected]
The 2025 Dufferin Park Neighborhood Garage Sale:
May 8, 9, 10 2025
8 am - 3 pm.
You can choose the days and times to participate!
More details to come or if you have questions, please email Sandra Warfield at [email protected]
Virtual Meetings
If you would like to attend one of the meetings, please send a request to [email protected].
You will be sent a link to the meeting. If you have follow up questions, please email us.
Click Here
You will be sent a link to the meeting. If you have follow up questions, please email us.
Click Here
You may have received an email regarding access to a new portal. This is allowing a new way to pay your fees after the Annual meeting in February. Here are the instructions for logging into the Homeowner Portal.
Click this link -> AO Portal Setup
The ACH and auto-draft options are Free services.
Echeck and recurring echeck options have a fee.
If you need to pay with a credit or debit card, there is a bank fee of $14.95.
Contact information is:
Please tell us by sending us an email: [email protected]
Or call Brian or Kat at Association One if you have questions. (833) 737-8663
All covenants are available on the website. www.dufferinpark.com
Click this link -> AO Portal Setup
The ACH and auto-draft options are Free services.
Echeck and recurring echeck options have a fee.
If you need to pay with a credit or debit card, there is a bank fee of $14.95.
Contact information is:
Please tell us by sending us an email: [email protected]
Or call Brian or Kat at Association One if you have questions. (833) 737-8663
All covenants are available on the website. www.dufferinpark.com
HOA Email
We recently had a change to our email, and now the only active email address is
[email protected]
Please use "DPHOA -" in the subject header
Thank You !! -- (June 2018)
[email protected]
Please use "DPHOA -" in the subject header
Thank You !! -- (June 2018)
In Memoriam
Past President - Alison Anderson
1962 - 2021 |
Past Board Member - Tom Grund
1965 - 2023 |
Common Things to Remember
Covenant Violations
The Dufferin Park HOA has recently revised the policy on Covenant Violations, and more specifically to Trailers, RV's and Boats parked in the driveway. Please view the new Trailers/RV/Boat policy HERE This is why we offer a Parking Waiver to allow seasonal preparations of boats, RV's and other needs related to trailers. Send your questions to [email protected] |
Parking Waivers
Parking waivers are available for HO's to park your boat or camper temporarily in the driveway while preparing them for trips or cleaning (seasonally). Click HERE for a waiver
Parking waivers are available for HO's to park your boat or camper temporarily in the driveway while preparing them for trips or cleaning (seasonally). Click HERE for a waiver
Architectural Variance Requests
The Dufferin Park HOA requests architectural variances for work that is planned for the exterior of your home and lot. If you are planning to do any exterior work this spring, summer or fall, now is the time to send the information to Account Manager. Projects that are started without the approval of the Association’s Architectural Review Committee may have additional charges involved for the homeowner. These costs include but are not restricted to removal or replace a piece or portion of the project or to redo the project. Please note that approval from the City of Savage DOES NOT mean that the Association’s architectural review committee has approved the project. The Association entity is different from the City of Savage entity. |
Animal Waste Ordinance
We have had complaints regarding people not picking up after their pets when on a walk in the neighborhood. Remember to bring a waste baggie, and please dispose of it PROPERLY! Thank you! Pet owners are reminded that City ordinance requires them to be in control of their pets at all times. It is unlawful for dogs and cats to run at large. Those on streets, in parks and on public land must be leashed. Additionally, owners are required to pick up after their pets, whether it's on their own property, on the property of others, or on public property. |
Animal Leash Ordinance
Animals may not run at large and The owner or person in control of an animal is responsible for cleaning up any feces and disposing of it in a sanitary manner whether on their own property, on the property of others, or on public property.See the city website for more information... http://www.cityofsavage.com/resident/pets
Animals may not run at large and The owner or person in control of an animal is responsible for cleaning up any feces and disposing of it in a sanitary manner whether on their own property, on the property of others, or on public property.See the city website for more information... http://www.cityofsavage.com/resident/pets
Approved Locking Mailbox Insert
The Board has approved this product for use with your Dufferin Park mailbox effective immediately. This is available from Amazon currently. If you find a similar product, it must be pre-approved by the Board. This product fits inside your current mailbox. Please read the comments about this product, and have a discussion with your Postal service carrier.
Special Lite Products LB-998 Locking insert
Special Lite Products LB-998 Locking insert
DPHOA Facebook Page access
We are currently reviewing the past due accounts. According to the DP FB policy, a requirement to have access to the Dufferin Park FB page is that you must be in good standing. Please contact the management company to resolve your account, if you are past due.
Register a Complaint |
Register your Email |
There are governing covenants and sometimes homeowners break the rules. There are also other issues that arise from time to time. To report a CONFIDENTIAL complaint, email our Account Manager at Association One Management.
You can be contacted as soon as News happens! By registering your email, you will receive a Newsletter approximately once every 1-2 months. Lots of information including HOA related news, City of Savage news and timely reminders in the area. Click HERE
Explanations of the HOA
At past Annual Meetings, we've had many questions asked about the Association. Why we have one? What are the Benefits? Are the fees reasonable? Well, hopefully we can answer some of those questions. Please see our FAQ page for commonly asked questions.
Dufferin Park Logo
A Word of Caution about the Dufferin Park Brand
We all can take pride that the Dufferin Park brand and logo represent a great community. Your board of directors feels the need to protect our brand for the benefit of all homeowners. Therefore, your board wishes to remind businesses that use of the Dufferin Park identity and logo as part of business solicitations is prohibited. It may not be borrowed or used without permission for flyers, online materials or other purposes. Legal action will be pursued in the event of unauthorized use. However, there’s a place where Dufferin Park residents can promote their businesses. Our website has a section, “DP Yellow Pages,” where residents can submit information about their business services. We encourage use of this service by both residents and businesses.
We all can take pride that the Dufferin Park brand and logo represent a great community. Your board of directors feels the need to protect our brand for the benefit of all homeowners. Therefore, your board wishes to remind businesses that use of the Dufferin Park identity and logo as part of business solicitations is prohibited. It may not be borrowed or used without permission for flyers, online materials or other purposes. Legal action will be pursued in the event of unauthorized use. However, there’s a place where Dufferin Park residents can promote their businesses. Our website has a section, “DP Yellow Pages,” where residents can submit information about their business services. We encourage use of this service by both residents and businesses.